(Life Champion)

3 Core Focuses of our seminars

态度 Attitude

  • 自我激励 Self-motivation
  • 积极的态度 Positive attitude
  • 更集中注意力 Better focus


  • 提升自信 Boost confidence
  • 学习沟通与社交技巧 Learn communication and social skills
  • 做神奇记忆王 Become a memory master

学术 Academia

  • 思维导图 Mind mapping
  • 玩中学,学中玩 Learn through play, play while learning
  • 团队合作技巧 Teamwork

   Designed for the 21st century and backed by proven results:

  • 自我激励 Self-motivation
    Help children find their inner drive and set personal goals, teaching them how to stay motivated and persevere through challenges.
  • 积极的态度 Positive attitude
    Guide children in developing an optimistic mindset, focusing on seeing opportunities in challenges and maintaining a positive outlook.
  • 更集中注意力 Better focus
    Equip children with techniques to enhance concentration and manage distractions, improving their ability to stay focused in various situations.
  • 提升自信 Boost confidence
    Build children’s confidence by helping them recognize their strengths and face challenges with assurance and self-belief.
  • 学习沟通与社交技巧 Learn communication and social skills
    Teach children effective communication and social skills, enabling them to express themselves clearly and build strong relationships.
  • 做神奇记忆王 Become a memory master
    Introduce fun memory techniques to help children recall information easily and boost their memory power.
  • 思维导图 Mind mapping
    Show children how to use mind maps to organize their thoughts, plan projects, and solve problems creatively.
  • 玩中学,学中玩 Learn through play, play while learning
    Encourage children to integrate play into learning, making education fun and fostering a lifelong love of learning.
  • 团队合作技巧 Teamwork
    Teach children the value of teamwork through group activities that promote cooperation, communication, and shared goals.