our seminars
(Life Champion)

Life champion (生命冠军)

Visions (愿景) :

“Give troublesome children the chance to learn and grow into better people. Allow excellent children to reach up to greater heights. From extraordinary children, they turn into our future stars.”

“Allow more parents to develop and cultivate their children, resulting in a happy and healthy genius which will then lead to more families ongoing the road of happiness”

Mission (使命) :

“Live with an appreciative heart and act with love”


态度 Attitude

  • 自我激励 Self-motivation
  • 积极的态度 Positive attitude
  • 更集中注意力 Better focus

自我价值             Self-worth

  • 提升自信 Boost confidence
  • 学习沟通与社交技巧 Learn communication and social skills
  • 做神奇记忆王 Become a memory master

学术 Academia

  • 思维导图 Mind mapping
  • 玩中学,学中玩 Learn through play, play while learning
  • 团队合作技巧 Teamwork